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The Ridgeline Blog

Archives for September 2015

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Today's post comes from one of our partner churches outside of Ft. Worth, Texas. Every weekday pastor Craig of First Church of Colleyville, Texas posts a 2 minute video devotional called "Morning Thrive." These videos are a great way to start your work day!! Bitterness and boredom make for a miserable thought life! There aren't many other combinations that produce long te...

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Prayerlessness is Our Declaration of Independence from God

"Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer." Romans 12:12 ...

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Consider a Family Missions Trip

Have you ever thought about taking your family on a mission trip? There are other benefits besides serving others and widening your children's perspective. It may just save your marriage and family like it did for this author... "What began as a church bulletin announcement has become a family legacy. I regularly tell my three-year-old son about what is happening in Roman...

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A Baptist Catechism

A good tool to "keep growing in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ" (2 Peter 3:17)...

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