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The Ridgeline Blog

Archives for February 2017

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Romans 8 Monday Meditation

I often fail to meditate on passages before and after great verses. Most people know John 3:16 but fewer know the beauty and power of John 3:17-18. Sometimes these great verses stick out like an enormous mountain that can overpower a landscape and cause us to miss other impressive mountains around it. That's often the case with the Bible. It's easy to get overwhelmed at th...

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Damn the prosperity gospel

Damn the prosperity gospel. I have seen its terrible influence on five continents as I've traveled to serve people around the world and share the gospel. It is one of America's deadliest exports. Jesus did not suffer and die so you could have your best life now. Stay far far away from any church that teaches prosperity, health, wealth, and happiness as a result of followin...

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Night to Shine 2017

Our team of coordinators and volunteers have been sharing photos, videos, and stories since the event on Friday and I continue to hear amazing feedback. I'm so thankful for our vendors, church members, volunteers, participants, and for their caretakers and parents. Everyone pulled together to make a really special event. There's so much negative in our world lately. It rea...

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Never Send Nude Selfies, 7 Reasons from John Piper

There are some sentences you think you'll never have to say until you have to say them. Parents probably say things to kids they never thought they'd have to say. Here's one: never take and send a nude photograph of yourself to someone. Unfortunately this is something that must be said. Here's an excerpt from the post below from John Piper and Desiring God: "This is pa...

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Prom still on despite the snow...

*Update, February 9th: We are NOT cancelling the "Night to Shine" prom. We are hosting the prom on Friday, February 10th as scheduled! And we're really really excited:) ...

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Eat at Chick-Fil-A to support the Night to Shine prom

Eat at Chick-fil-A tonight, (Tuesday, February 7th) to benefit our prom for people with special needs! The prom, "A Night to Shine" is Sponsored by the Tim Tebow Foundation and hosted by Ridgeline Community Church. We're so thankful for Chick-fil-A's generous support! (Lansdale and Montgomeryville locations)...

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Take heart strugglers...

Good word from Desiring God today... "Take heart, struggler. Keep asking, seeking, knocking. Keep looking to Christ. If God gets glory by saving robbers in the eleventh hour, he surely has his purposes why he has waited till now to give you the breakthrough you have sought for years."

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