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The Lord's Supper

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Prayer Is

Prayer is . . .the application of need, to Him who alone can relieve it;the voice of sin, to Him who alone can pardon it;the urgency of spiritual poverty;the prostration of pride;the fervency of penitence;the confidence of trust.Hannah More, 1811...

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I Am Not What I Ought To Be

But flee from these things, you man of God, and pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, perseverance and gentleness. Fight the good fight of faith; take hold of the eternal life to which you were called, and you made the good confession in the presence of many witnesses. 1 Timothy 6:11-12...

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Sexual Predators Target Churches

Tim Challies outlines 6 Reasons Why Sexual Predators Target Churches. "Christians are not only nave, but also ignorantignorant of the problem of abuse and the extent of the problem within faith communities. Many Christians consider it unlikely or impossible that abuse could happen within their church, so they fail to take adequate measures, they ignore warnings, and the...

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Good Word (Picture)


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Law Vs. Gospel


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"Making the Most of Sunday"

This is a great article on preparing for, participating in, and reflecting on Sunday morning. Making the Most of Sunday...

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Hypocrisy in the Church

One of the biggest complaints that we hear, or have, about the church is that it is full of hyprocites. R.C. Sproul does a great job addressing hypocrisy in this excerpt from his commentary onJohn. Why did Jesus curse the fig tree in Mark 11? Jesus, among other things, was a prophet. One of the most graphic forms of prophetic communication in the Old Testament was the o...

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A Night to Shine, 2016


A celebration and summary of "A Night to Shine" prom for people with special needs, hosted by Ridgeline and sponsored by the Tim Tebow Foundation....

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Ridgeline has seen a lot of changes in our corporate worship service over the last 4 years. We've worshipped in a school, park, church, and gym. We've had musically gifted people lead our time of singing and had a short stint with YouTube. With all of these variables, we have remained constant in keeping our worship focused on the Gospel of Jesus Christ; His lift, death, a...

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