Life Lived in the Flesh
November 5, 2017 Speaker: Gibson Largent Series: Esther
Passage: Esther 1:1–22
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This message includes the introduction to the Esther sermon series as well as a message from Esther chapter 1 on the destructive results of life lived in sinful decisions (aka the "flesh").
IMPORTANT NOTE: the first 6 minutes of the recording is missing. The quote from Dr. Hershael York's message on Esther titled "For Such a Slime as This" is the first thing you will hear in this recording. (It's a great message by the way! You should listen to it! Click here). If you would like to hear the missing introduction go to the Rockhill Mennonite Church Podcast here.

More in Esther
January 21, 2018
Victory: You can have relief from temptationDecember 17, 2017
The Invisible Providence of GodDecember 10, 2017
The Destructive Power of Pride