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Resurrection Encounters

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Resurrection Encounters

People were convinced that Jesus came back to life. He interacted with people for forty days after the resurrection before ascending to the Father in Heaven. What did he do during that time? Who did he interact with and why? Can we have confidence that Jesus is alive today? What can we learn from these resurrection encounters?

April 29, 2018

Resurrection Encounters - Mary Magdalene

Speaker: Gibson Largent Series: Resurrection Encounters Passage: John 20:11–18

April 22, 2018

Resurrection Encounters - Thomas and His Doubts

Speaker: Gibson Largent Series: Resurrection Encounters Passage: John 20:24–29

April 15, 2018

Resurrection Encounters - The Restoration of Peter

Speaker: Gibson Largent Series: Resurrection Encounters Passage: John 21:1–19